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Media & Technology Consultant Dr. Sean Thoennes

mediaX, LLC Founding Partners, Sean Thoennes and Shane Pase

Contributing partner, Dr. Carrie Perry

Contributing partner, Dr. Jerri Lynn Hogg

Contributing partner, Dr. Jon Cabiria

Contributine partner, Dr. Matthew Price

Contributing partner, Dr. Matthew Price


Contributing partners to mediaX, LLC often find themselves in demand to offer keynote presentations or to create and appear as a panel onstage at places like the Augmented World Exposition.


This video produced by the mediaX, LLC shares the basis of a question on which the company is currently engaged: How do we keep these stories alive and connected to the places we gather to honor the memories of those intended? MediaX, LLC in conjunction with Reality.Science are using AR to do just that.


This Nova presentation from PBS contains some amazing footage of one of the greatest thinkers of our time. The father of psycho-analysis, Sigmund Freud's findings are still relevant today, and experiencing a renaissance of sorts. MediaX, LLC is engaged in making the man more accessible today than he was when he was alive and practicing! How? Stay tuned to find out more!

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