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Shane Pase, PhD


Dr. Pase is a media psychologist and cofounder of the mediaX, LLC new media technologies group, an award winning conceptual designer, and currently authoring the first book on the psychology of augmented reality.


Shane has over 20 years experience utilizing human behavior analytics to develop creative and outside the box solutions for both for profit and non-profit corporations and small businesses. By combining theories from cognitive, behavioral and social psychology, he is able to provide valuable insights into our experience with and the effects of media technologies. His published work (2015) on inattentional blindness in the augmented reality (AR) world is considered one of the first to take a proven brain pattern in the physical world can have identical outcomes in the digital world, further suggesting our brains are the center of our reality. These findings informed his consultations with AR developers, as he advocates for AR to integrate more seamlessly into the real world plane.


Shane is adjunct professor at Fielding Graduate University’s Media Psychology program teaching courses on general media psychology, AR and other immersive technologies. He has presented internationally at internationally at such prestigious conferences as IEEE ISMAR, EEE WorldComp, National Social Science Association and American Psychological Association National Conventions exploring the cognitive effects of augmented reality and immersive media, using new technologies for social change and disruption, and the ethics of new media technologies.


You can find him on Twitter @shanepase and Linkedin. He also authors blog on

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